Thursday, June 30, 2016

July 3 - Worship/Communion

10:30 - Worship.
Scriptures - Psalm 30,  Luke 10:1-11,16-20.
Sermon - "Mission Impossible" by Rev. Rob Martin.
11:30 - Fellowship and Refreshments.
11:45 - Organ Recital of patriotic music.
ALL are Welcome!

"Fourth of July" Organ Recital

"Fourth of July" Organ Recital

Janice Robison will play a recital on Sunday, July 3 at 11:45, following the worship service at Athens First Presbyterian Church.  The program will be music based on patriotic songs including "America" and "America, the Beautiful".  The public is invited to attend.

Friday, June 10, 2016

June 12

10:30 - Worship.
Guest Pastor, Dr. Steve Hays, Associate Professor of Greek and Classics at Ohio University.
11:30 - Fellowship and Refreshments.
8:00PM - "From Sea to Shining Sea", an organ and multi-media concert.  See information below.