Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December 31 - First Sunday After Christmas

10:30 - Worship and Children's Church.
Scriptures - Psalm 148, Luke 2:22-40.
Sermon  - "Temple Child Care" by Rev. Rob Martin.
11:30 - Fellowship and Refreshments.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 24 - First Presbyterian Christmas Eve Services

9:30 - Adult Sunday School.
10:30 - Worship and Children's Church.
Scriptures - Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 2:1-20.
Sermon - The Face of a Child" by Rev. Rob Martin.
11:30 - Fellowship and Refreshments.
7:00 - Organ Music of Christmas by Janice Robison.
7:30 - Service of Lessons and Carols.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 10 - Special Advent Music at First Presbyterian Church

The 10:30 worship service at Athens First Presbyterian Church
on December 10 will feature Special advent music by the children's chime choir,
the Chancel Choir,  the Handbell choir, and organ. All are welcome!

December 10 - Music Sunday

9:30 - Adult Sunday School.
10:30 - Worship.
Scriptures - Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-8.
Sermon - "Expect Something New" by Rev. Rob Martin.
Special music by children's chime choir, chancel choir,
handbell choir and organ.
11:30 - Congregational meeting to elect new officers.
Fellowship and refreshments.